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Train the Trainers

AsThe art of Facilitation. Trainer development is essential if the learning needs of organisations are to be met.  Organisation success depends on keeping our doctors up to date and skilled in the latest concepst and techniques.  Mastering knowledge is essential.  Using the most effective and efficient processes is critical and it is essential for every doctor that faces daily difficult situations with patient care.  Developing training skills is also one of the best forms of management development.


The Train the Trainer course that I took provided me with these skills, specially in debriefing technique. We use these techniques in all those situations in which our teams require analysis of the scenario and learning points.


Curricula Development

As a Member of the Faculty of Medicine Council during the last three years of Medical School (1997-1999) I belonged to a Teaching Commitee which was created with the main aim of changing the medical curriculum for the sixth year of the studies, in order to allow students to achive better practical skills.  The subjects were simplified and reduced and a whole practical development plan was stablished.


During my years of medical management (2005-2008), I had always a clear view of the teaching standards that a hospital should achieve, reason why, I linked these hospitals to University with a teaching program for nurses and doctors. 


Since I become a Consultant in UK and Tracheostomy Lead in Barts Health Trust I was very concerned about the tracheostomy training of our healthcare workers and we developed a teaching framework in tracheostomy skills.


Analytical ability

The best example of my analytical ability, apart of all the statistical analysis in my Doctorate, was the study about Female Leadership in Medical Organizations in which after designing a questionaire about all types of Leadership, it was sent to managers and directors in private and public hospitals.  This study was awarded by the University with a prize in 2012.



Decision making and sound judgement

Knowledge Successful applicants must work within the statutory framework, apply the Council’s policies, follow the guidance issued and arrive at balanced judgements. Additionally, a general knowledge of quality assurance principles and systems.


I have been working within statutory frameworks in different environments: University, Private Companies, Public Health… All the teams that I have worked with believe that I am a trustable person who always follows the directions and policies stablished.  As an example, we had to create a Day - Surgery Department with all its services following the Council’s policies and stablishing guidelines and protocols for all the procedures. 


As a Medical Director I was responsible for the quality assurance program in my hospital during several years and, under my direction, a Certification in Quality was achieved for the hospital.


GM Medical Group Ltd

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